Soal Matematika SMBB Telkom 2009

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 26 Februari 2011

Registration for New Students follow the Joint Selection Telkom (Telkom SMBB) 2011/2012 Academic Year in Higher Education under the Education Foundation of Telkom

* Institut Teknologi Telkom (IT Telkom)
* Telkom Institute of Management (IM Telkom)
* Polytechnic Telkom (Politel)
* High School of Art and Design Indonesia Telkom (Telkom Stisi)
* Telkom Professional Development Center (PDC Telkom)

There are 2 (two) methods you can follow to enter into a new student, Academic Year 2011/2012 are:

Download Soal Matematika Snmptn 2010

Download Mathematics SMBB Telkom 2009

  1. Download Question

1) DCBT (Daily Computer Based Test) and
2) OPBT (Offline Paper Based Test)

DCBT method is only implemented in Bandung (DCBT test locations on campus IM Telkom, Telkom Polytechnic, STISI Telkom and Telkom PDC). DCBT method lets you know the outcome of graduation in realtime, after you finish the test. How to follow DCBT:

1) You go to the location of the test by paying a registration fee of Rp. 300,000 (three hundred thousand dollars) at the test location
2) You are welcome to fill in biographical data directly in the test, and then you take the test DCBT

Method DCBT will be open from early November 2010 and you can follow DCBT more than once, but each of you follow DCBT have to pay again.

The path is held on the method OPBT Exam Writing (UTG UTG 1 and 2), the entrance exam (USM USM 1 and 2), Line Search Academic Potential (JPPA Superior, National JPPA, and JPPA OSN)

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