Soal Fisika Snmptn 2010

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Online registration Policy for the National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN) 2010 has not understood some of the prospective student. About 1,000 applicants SNMPTN in Bandung, West Java, do not upload photos as rules that have been determined. They upload photos unofficial, as is commonly displayed on social networking sites Facebook and Twitter.

"The images are not photographs for official documents," says Public Relations Coordinator of the Local Committee Weni Widyowati SNMPTN Bandung in Bandung, on Saturday (05/29/2010). They threatened fall if not replace with photographs according to the requirements specified.

As per the requirement, the requested images to meet 80 percent of the visible face with a formal pose. Size of photograph is 4 x 6 inches, a maximum of 100 kilobytes, with a JPG or PNG format, and color.

Weni say, loading an incorrect photograph will definitely be very detrimental to the participants themselves, especially when the data verification by the superintendent exam in the exam room to write. Participants may be disqualified for not meeting the rules correctly.

Therefore, he hoped that the participants immediately change the picture. How, can send via electronic mail to foto@unpad.ac.id with the name and identity number. Alternatively, participants can visit the local committee helpdesk Bandung, both in the House Routunda Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and in the Library Building Law Faculty of Padjadjaran University.

Until Saturday, the number of online registrants SNMPTN 2010 in Bandung Local Committee as much as 23,411 people. For groups of Natural Sciences as much as 8750 people, 8193 of the Social Sciences, and the Mixed Sciences 6513 people.

The quotas for all groups of as many as 27,000 people. Divisions, as many as 10,000 people IPA, IPS 9400 people, and IPC 7600 people.

Less careful

Separately, the Rector of the University Eleven March (UNS) in Solo Solo Much Syamsulhadi, last week, said there are many online registries SNMPTN a less careful in filling the identity and upload photos. In fact, this can be fatal because of the photo should be the same as those listed on the certificate and identity card in the test participants will be matched with an identity card which brought the participants.

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The number of applicants SNMPTN who made mistakes, both in uploading photos as well as false identity charge, according to Syamsulhadi, about 500 people.

"Local committee will contact the participants that his picture does not comply with the standards set by telephone," said Syamsulhadi accompanied by the Vice Rector I UNS Ravik Karsidi.

The participants are filling mistaken identity, according to Syamsulhadi, expected to go to helpdesk SNMPTN 44 Local Committee at the Secretariat of SNCA UNS Surakarta, Jalan Ir Sutami 36a. Improvements are served until 12 June.

Ravik said, it's worth before making online application guides prospective students first read on the site SNMPTN, namely http://www.snmptn.ac.id.

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