Soal Fisika Simak UI 2009

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Entering the second year of its implementation, Selection Sign in UI (See UI) is still a mainstay lane UI in accepting new students this academic year 2010/2011. Thus it is disclosed by the Rector Prof. der Soz UI Gumilar R. Somantri in Workshop Check out the UI in the Central Council of UI, Depok, on Wednesday (6/1/2010).

Gumilar says, Check out the UI remains a mainstay in addition to other revenue channels of national revenue (National Selection State University Entrance / SNMPTN), inter-university cooperation (Joint Entrance Examination / UMB), a special performance art talents, sports, etc. (AEOS), regional development and industrial cooperation (KSDI).

"For AEOS point we do not invite all the schools, but only schools that are strong enough coaching education with graduates consistently perform well every year," he said.

Gumilar argued, that the UI is too "moral hazard" open lines of admission for new students each year. Rector said the participation of the UI to remain open SNMPTN and UM for example, precisely with consideration together with other educators. "UMB is more because of the history alone, while SNMPTN was more to the sense of togetherness with other universities that menyelenggarakannya every year," said Gumilar.

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It says mainstay, continued Gumilar, Check out the UI is the only path that upholds selection UI hope in getting a new UI student quality. Because the start of registration until the selection test actually own one hundred percent is handled by the UI. "All we monitor the system and there is no opportunity for jockeys here. And certainly, no selling benches in the UI, if there is a person who did sanction is fired," he added.

As reported earlier, Consider the UI will be the selection for admission to vocational education programs, BA (Regular, parallel, Class, Extension, International Special Class) Profession, Specialist, Master, and Doctorate. This year, the line Check out the UI will receive as much as 55 percent or 2200 students from the total receipts S1 regular UI students who reach 4400 students. The online registration was to begin on January 18, 2010.

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