Doing business in the modern world pretty much requires a credit card. It only takes a few unwise decisions or a little bad luck in the job market to find yourself struggling to stay afloat in a sea of credit card debt. One of the most popular solutions these days is the credit card debt consolidation loan.
The main problem with this is no different than the main problem with anything that becomes trendy. You have to figure out which companies offering credit card debt consolidation loans are trustworthy and competent. Some are out to make quick money, while others are in business for the long run. You need to beware of companies that drop the names of big companies they've dealt with instead of standing on their own reputations. Check with the Better Business Bureau before doing business with a company offering credit card debt consolidation.
Some companies will, for example, target those who tend to have trouble managing debt for really bad loans that will put them deeper in debt at very high interest rates. Instead of consolidating all of your loans into a single, manageable loan, these companies will consolidate all of your loans into an outrageous, high-interest loan with all sorts of hidden penalties and fees. They make huge profits on these loans without doing anything illegal, although they do act with questionable ethics.
A good debt consolidation loan provider will not increase what you owe and it will not encourage you to take on more debt while you're still trying to pay what you owe now. In fact, many of these companies can work with you to get your credit card companies to slightly lower the amount you owe in exchange for the lump sum payment from the credit issuer. They will pass on most of this savings to you, making their money from the manageable interest rates they charge you. They will discourage you from using any kind of credit until you work your way out of the debt you're drowning in right now.
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You should be very wary of credit card debt consolidation that uses the equity in your home to secure the loan. While there are times when this is a good option because it gets you lower interest rates, in most cases it should be a last resort. If you still owe money on your current mortgage, however, you may be able to get good terms on a home refinancing with extra cash to pay off your credit cards without adding any risk to your mortgage.
Most people, particularly those who have never had trouble with debt in the past, can get a credit card debt consolidation loan without putting up any collateral. This is important for those who suddenly find themselves in a short term debt bind because of a job loss or an unforeseen emergency. The key is to shop around and check out the credentials of any lender you'll be working with to get the consolidation loan.
The main problem with this is no different than the main problem with anything that becomes trendy. You have to figure out which companies offering credit card debt consolidation loans are trustworthy and competent. Some are out to make quick money, while others are in business for the long run. You need to beware of companies that drop the names of big companies they've dealt with instead of standing on their own reputations. Check with the Better Business Bureau before doing business with a company offering credit card debt consolidation.
Some companies will, for example, target those who tend to have trouble managing debt for really bad loans that will put them deeper in debt at very high interest rates. Instead of consolidating all of your loans into a single, manageable loan, these companies will consolidate all of your loans into an outrageous, high-interest loan with all sorts of hidden penalties and fees. They make huge profits on these loans without doing anything illegal, although they do act with questionable ethics.
A good debt consolidation loan provider will not increase what you owe and it will not encourage you to take on more debt while you're still trying to pay what you owe now. In fact, many of these companies can work with you to get your credit card companies to slightly lower the amount you owe in exchange for the lump sum payment from the credit issuer. They will pass on most of this savings to you, making their money from the manageable interest rates they charge you. They will discourage you from using any kind of credit until you work your way out of the debt you're drowning in right now.
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You should be very wary of credit card debt consolidation that uses the equity in your home to secure the loan. While there are times when this is a good option because it gets you lower interest rates, in most cases it should be a last resort. If you still owe money on your current mortgage, however, you may be able to get good terms on a home refinancing with extra cash to pay off your credit cards without adding any risk to your mortgage.
Most people, particularly those who have never had trouble with debt in the past, can get a credit card debt consolidation loan without putting up any collateral. This is important for those who suddenly find themselves in a short term debt bind because of a job loss or an unforeseen emergency. The key is to shop around and check out the credentials of any lender you'll be working with to get the consolidation loan.
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