Soal Bahasa Inggris SMBB Telkom 2009

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 28 Februari 2011

PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (TLKM) lined up to star as the Most Popular Brand of Stock in the grace of Indonesia Brand Champion Award 2011 MarkPlus magazine Insight and Marketeers. TLKM outperformed Astra International Tbk (ASII) and Bank Mandiri Tbk (BMRI) in these awards.

All three stocks are in the category bluechips stocks with capitalization of more than Rp 100 trillion as of December 30, 2010.

Subkhan Farid, Chief Operation MarkPlus Insight, Tuesday, (02/08/2011) describes the determination of the winner of the award categories is the result of a survey conducted MarkPlus Insight on 25-31 January 2011 to 620 respondents in six major cities. The respondents were included among entrepreneurs, investors, and prospective investors in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Semarang, Medan, and Makassar.

"There are some interesting results of this survey. Most of the respondents still chose to invest their savings. Looks like total football approach is needed to boost the number of domestic retail investors in Indonesia," said Farid.

Following the survey and the three major categories of shares awarded Indonesia Brand Champion Award 2011.

Most Recommended Brand of Stock (market capitalization above USD 100 billion) 1. TLKM 2. ASII 3. BMRI

Customer Brand Choice of Stock (market capitalization of more than Rp 100 trillion) 1. TLKM 2. ASII 3. BMRI

Most Popular Brand of Stock (Market Capitalitation below Rp 100 trillion) 1. EARTH 2. Bakrie & Brothers Tbk (BNBR) 3. ISAT Most Recommended Brand of Stock (market capitalization of less than Rp 100 trillion) 1. EARTH 2. ANTAM 3. BBNI

Customer Brand Choice of Stock (market capitalization of less than Rp 100 trillion) 1. ANTAM 2. EARTH 3. Violent

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Meanwhile, for the general category Brokerage house, three in the category of Most Popular Brokerage House with a total trading value in the first quarter of 2010 over Rp 10 trillion is 1. Mandiri Securities 2. Danareksa Securities 3. Bahana Securities

Most Recommended Brand of Brokerage House with a total trading value in the first quarter of 2010 over Rp 10 trillion 1. Danareksa Sekuritas 2. Mandiri Securities 3. Sinarmas Securities 4. eTrading Securities

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