University of Indonesia opened an entry point for prospective freshmen anymore. By 56 percent of prospective new UI undergraduate students will be accepted through a pathway called the Selection of Entry Consider the University of Indonesia or the UI. Admission selection test conducted by the University of Indonesia itself is open for registration from 19 January 2009.
Moreover, the acceptance by the National Selection Entrance State University or SNM PTN about 5 percent, the Joint Entrance Examination by 5 percent, and the rest through Regional Cooperation and Industry, track and academic achievement. Each year, the UI receives about 5,000 new students a degree program.
Basic Math
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Soal Matematika Dasar Package 3
Soal Matematika Dasar Package 4
Science Math
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Soal Matematika Package 3
Soal Matematika Package 4
Rector of the University of Indonesia Gumilar Rusliwa Soemantri said on Tuesday (6 / 1), the universities will remain concerned with the quality and high standards in the selection process, rather than financial ability. Tuition will be adjusted to the direction you take and the economic ability of students. "There is also a scholarship," he said.
Consider the revenue model through the UI that is integrated into the UI selection test was applied for admission in all educational programs that exist in the UI. For S1, online registration and open from 19 January to 19 February 2009, while the selection test was held on March 1, 2009. There are local committees in 40 cities across Indonesia, which can help participants who want to register. Especially for areas that are still difficulties accessing the internet. Information regarding the acceptance of new models that can be accessed via
Moreover, the acceptance by the National Selection Entrance State University or SNM PTN about 5 percent, the Joint Entrance Examination by 5 percent, and the rest through Regional Cooperation and Industry, track and academic achievement. Each year, the UI receives about 5,000 new students a degree program.
Download Soal Matematika Simak UI 2009
Basic Math
Soal Matematika Dasar Package 1
Soal Matematika Dasar Package 2
Soal Matematika Dasar Package 3
Soal Matematika Dasar Package 4
Science Math
Soal Matematika Package 1
Soal Matematika Package 2
Soal Matematika Package 3
Soal Matematika Package 4
Rector of the University of Indonesia Gumilar Rusliwa Soemantri said on Tuesday (6 / 1), the universities will remain concerned with the quality and high standards in the selection process, rather than financial ability. Tuition will be adjusted to the direction you take and the economic ability of students. "There is also a scholarship," he said.
Consider the revenue model through the UI that is integrated into the UI selection test was applied for admission in all educational programs that exist in the UI. For S1, online registration and open from 19 January to 19 February 2009, while the selection test was held on March 1, 2009. There are local committees in 40 cities across Indonesia, which can help participants who want to register. Especially for areas that are still difficulties accessing the internet. Information regarding the acceptance of new models that can be accessed via
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