Irfan Bachdim: No Excuses with Lasers

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Irfan Bachdim : No Excuses with Lasers
From Irfan Bachdim's twitter: "Can not sleep after this lose! But chin up we can do it in jkt! No bullsh*t no excuses with lasers we have to do better than last night!!"

Agree...!!! Let's see tomorrow night!!!
More aboutIrfan Bachdim: No Excuses with Lasers

Pictures: Rahma Azhari and Simon McMenemy

Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 19 Desember 2010

Pictures: Rahma Azhari and Simon McMenemy
Pictures: Rahma Azhari and Simon McMenemy
Pictures: Rahma Azhari and Simon McMenemy
This pics was taken from here. "He's just a friend.. What a lovely person.. "Glad to actually met him! Had a great time!" she wrote @RaAzhari.
More aboutPictures: Rahma Azhari and Simon McMenemy

In Indonesia, Miyabi is a superstar

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

I don't know why they love Miyabi (Maria Ozawa ) to be a star in Indonesian movie, not in porn movie... As we all know...Maria Ozawa in a porn star... in Japan she always in adult movie...
More aboutIn Indonesia, Miyabi is a superstar

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 12

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 30 November 2010

 Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 12

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Mat P12.pdf -
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Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 11

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 27 November 2010

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 11

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Mat P11.pdf
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Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 10

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 26 November 2010

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 10

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Mat P10.pdf -
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Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 9

Diposting oleh Unknown on Rabu, 24 November 2010

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 9

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Mat P09.pdf -
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Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 7

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 22 November 2010

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 7.
Untuk mengunduh klik Tautan Unduhan di bawah ini atau klik domnload pada kanan atas dokumen


Prediksi Mat UN SMP 2011 P07 -
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Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 6

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 20 November 2010

Ujian Nasional SMP tinggal beberapa bulan lagi. Semakin dini persiapan tentu hasilnya akan semakin baik. Berikut ini saya berikut soal prediksi UN SMP 2011 Paket 6. Semoga dapat bermanfaat

Anda dapat mengunduh melalui tautan di bawah ini atau langsung klik download di pojok kanan atas dokumen

Prediksi UN 2011 Mat SMP P06 -
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Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 5

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 19 November 2010

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 5.
Untuk mengunduh klik tautan di bawah ini atau klik download pada pojok kanan atas dokumen

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Mat P05.pdf -
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Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Matematika Paket 1

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 15 November 2010

Prediksi UN SMP Matematika Paket 1

Prediksi UN SMP 2011 Mat P01 -
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Farah Quinn is Konak

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 12 November 2010

Farah Quin is Konak
Farah Quinn is posing in front of Istanbul's Kebab Restaurant named Konak.

In Turkey, kebab simply refers to a style of cooking, that of grilled lamb or beef cooked and served with a variety of different ingredients. Each region of the country has at least one kebab specialty and when a conversation occurs with a Turk regarding the tastiest, most tender kebab to be found in Anatolia, it’s sure his region will undoubtedly possess the most desirable of all.

The take-away, bite-size chunks of meat encased in bread and stuffed with lettuce, tomato, hummus and onion and a variety of optional sauces are sensational and convenient, but doner kebabs are certainly not the height of kebab cuisine. The real deal is to be savoured at the Konak Restaurant.

Thanks to Adi...
More aboutFarah Quinn is Konak

Indonesian Model: Laura Mulyadi

Diposting oleh Unknown on Rabu, 10 November 2010

Laura believes that to be pretty, you must have confidence in yourself. As she said to JakartaGlobe:

When I was younger my hair was really short and everybody thought I was a guy or a transvestite. Even when I was in the Miss Indonesia pageant a blogger said I should join Miss Transvestite Indonesia. When people stare I just smile back at them. I’m ethnic Chinese, but you can’t tell. I stopped walking with my dad when I was 14 because I was so tall at that age people didn’t think I was his daughter.

I grew up in the ethnic Chinese community. Even my cousins always thought I was different. Once, when I was in elementary school, my teacher was talking about blood types and he said ‘Laura, it’s gonna be tough for her if she gets sick because she’s adopted and her parents might have different blood types.’ How was it even possible for him to say that in front of his students? I was 9 years old. Of course I cried. When I was younger, my parents would order pure milk and I would have to shower in it. They thought it would make my skin lighter. But I always believed that things were going to happen for me.

Indonesian Model: Laura Mulyadi
Indonesian Model: Laura Mulyadi
Indonesian Model: Laura Mulyadi
More aboutIndonesian Model: Laura Mulyadi

Geogebra, Aplikasi Pembuat Grafik Yang Powerfull

Diposting oleh Unknown

Sudah banyak software atau aplikasi yang dapat mendukung dunia pendidikan. Berikut ini akan saya perkenalkan software yang dapat membantu dalam pembelajaran matematika yang disebut GEOGEBRA.
GeoGebra adalah software matematika dinamis yang menggabungkan geometri, aljabar, dan kalkulus. Software ini dikembangkan untuk proses belajar mengajar matematika di sekolah oleh Markus Hohenwarter di Universitas Florida Atlantic.
Pada dasarnya geogebra dapat membantu kita d
 1. Sebagai media pembelajaran matematika
 2. Sebagai alat bantu untuk menulis bahan ajar.
 3. Sebagai alat bantu untuk menyelesaikan soal matematika
Beberapa materi matematika yang diajarkan di SMP dan SMA diantarnya adalah fungsi dan persamaan kurva. Dua materi ini berkaitan dengan grafik. Fungsi banyak macamnya, yaitu fungsi linear, fungsi kuadrat, fungsi trigonometri, fungsi logaritma, fungsi eksponen. Adapun persmaan kurva diantaranya adalah persamaan garis lurus dan persamaan lingkaran. Geogebra dapat membantu dalam hal membuat grafik suatu fungsi dan persamaan kurva.
Untuk mendownload geogebra Anda dapat kunjungi situs resminya yaitu http://www.geogebra.org

Ketika kita menulis sebuah soal yang berkaitan dengan grafik biasanya kita kesulitan untuk menggambar grafiknya.

Misal kita akan menggambar grafik di bawah ini

      Bila kita menggunakan word maka kita membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk membuat gambar grafik seperti soal di atas. Untuk itulah sudah waktunya kita menggunakan geogebra.
Berikut ini akan saya tunjukkan bagitu mudahnya membuat gambar grafik seperti di atas. Perhatikan langkah-langkah berikut ini!
1. Buka geogebra
2. Pada bilah masukan (yang terletak di kiri bawah) ketik y = 2^x dan enter. Setelah itu akan muncul grafik seperti pada soal di atas.
3. Untuk mengambil gambar grafik itu dan selanjutnya kita tempel di word, ikuti langkah berikut!
a.       Blok sebagian gambar yang kita perlukan!
b.      Klik menu “ubah” dan selanjtnya klik sub menu “tampilan grafik ke clipboard
c.       Buka word dan temple (Dengan Ctrl+V). Gambar sudah tampil di word.
Itu adalah salah satu kegunaan geogebra. Masih banyak kegunaan geogebra yang lain. Untuk mendapatkan panduan lengkap Anda dapat unduh di situs resmi geogebra.

More aboutGeogebra, Aplikasi Pembuat Grafik Yang Powerfull

Welcome Home, Mr. and Mrs. Obama

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 09 November 2010

Welcome Home, Mr. and Mrs. Obama
From EconomicTimes:

Indonesians were eagerly awaiting the arrival Tuesday of US President Barack Obama for a 24-hour visit to a country where he spent part of his childhood.

Many Indonesians fondly call Obama "Anak Menteng", or "Menteng Kid", after a Jakarta neighbourhood where he lived from 1967 to 1971 after his mother married an Indonesian.

A group calling itself Friends of Obama was throwing a "homecoming" party Tuesday to welcome the return of Obama, once known among his childhood friends in Jakarta as Barry.

"We want to wish him 'Selamat Datang' (welcome) to Indonesia," said Friends of Obama chairman Ron Mullers, an Indonesian-born American.

The party is to be attended by Obama's elementary schoolmates and feature dancing and singing as well as an Indonesian-American buffet, he said.

A replica of a statue of Obama as a 10-year-old would be on display at the event. The original is located at Obama's former elementary school in Menteng.

Obama has twice cancelled trips to Indonesia this year because of domestic preoccupations, and many Indonesians were wondering whether he would make it this time.

"We are hopeful and worried at the same time," Hasimah, the school's principal, was quoted as saying by the Antara news agency.

"We were very enthusiastic to welcome Obama, and his cancellations deeply disappointed us," said Hasimah, who like many Indonesians uses only one name.
More aboutWelcome Home, Mr. and Mrs. Obama

Why does Marissa Haque hate Vina Panduwinata so much?

Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 07 November 2010

Why does Marissa Haque hate Vina Panduwinata so much? First, Marissa says on her blog that Vina was very pleased touched her husband's body even long long time ago when they were nikah siri. Second, she hate when Vina's breast attached to the body of her husband. Third, Vina has saggy breasts right now because she is getting old. OK then, you can read her blog for the rest of the stories...

More aboutWhy does Marissa Haque hate Vina Panduwinata so much?

Hanung Bramantyo and Zaskia Adya Mecca donate baby supplies for victims of Merapi

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 06 November 2010

Hanung Bramantyo and Zaskia Adya Mecca donate baby supplies for victims of Merapi
Hanung Bramantyo and Zaskia Adya Mecca is helping the victims of Merapi by donate baby supply kits. How about you? You can donate your pulse or you can also donate the victims in cash through TV channel.
More aboutHanung Bramantyo and Zaskia Adya Mecca donate baby supplies for victims of Merapi

Deep Condolence for Merapi and Mentawai disaster

Diposting oleh Unknown

Deep Condolence for Merapi and Mentawai disaster
Deep condolences to the victims of Merapi and Mentawai disaster. One of the Indonesian people's best qualities is that they can overcome major disasters with dignity and braveness. Let's help the victims!!
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Atiqah Hasiholan is replacing Luna Maya in Lux Ad

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 04 November 2010

Atiqah Hasiholan is replacing Luna Maya in Lux Ad
As Luna Maya quits from Lux ad, the daughter of Ratna Sarumpaet is chosen to fill the empty spot.
More aboutAtiqah Hasiholan is replacing Luna Maya in Lux Ad

Jennifer Dunn, Sunan Kalijaga and a baby

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 23 Oktober 2010

Jennifer Dunn, Sunan Kalijaga and a baby
This is not our baby, this is our friend's baby...we just took a picture! OK...are we clear! This is not ours!
More aboutJennifer Dunn, Sunan Kalijaga and a baby

Agnes Monica is one of the international hosts of Red Carpet 2010 American Music Awards (AMA)

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

Agnes Monica wrote at her twitter, "Tweez, I am going to be 1 of the int"l hosts of red carpet AMAs live (American Music Awards) November 21, 2010. :) wif @dannygokey too!!"

"Tweez thank you so much for the support. now time to go to bed. Gonna have to wake up verrry early! I am gonna have more surprises tomorrow! Gonna wake up at 4 AM, and giving you updates about everything (my make up artist, my hair stylist, etc :) )," She wrote.
More aboutAgnes Monica is one of the international hosts of Red Carpet 2010 American Music Awards (AMA)

Aida Saskia is a Liar??

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

Aida Saskia is a Liar??
This incident has been going on since nine years ago. Why, the charges are made now. What is Aida want, actually? Why this case was not opened since the beginning? I do not know. God all-knowing. But ... I honestly do not believe this woman ....
More aboutAida Saskia is a Liar??

Tera Patrick is in Indonesian Movie

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010

Frankly, I just know about Tera Patrick after reading the news FPI will oppose the arrival of this American porn star. Tera Patrick is starring movies in Indonesia. OH my God! It seems Indonesian producers are really like bokep star. Miyabi and Rin Sakuragi, they both had already appeared in the Indonesian movie. And the title, is also tacky..."Rintihan Kuntilanak Perawan" Lol....
More aboutTera Patrick is in Indonesian Movie

Hey how's Ariel?

Diposting oleh Unknown

Hey how's Ariel?
More aboutHey how's Ariel?

Tera Patrick vs FPI

Diposting oleh Unknown

Tera Patrick vs FPI
Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) will go to Soekarno Hatta Airport to intercept U.S. porn star Tera Patrick. Police also expressed readiness to secure the action of this Islamic organization.

"We would anticipate the violation of law there. Let us not be branded as a country that does not understand the law," said Head Police Headquarters Marwoto.

Earlier in a press conference at FPI's headquarters, the FPI already collected data related to Tera Patrick. FPI knows Tera's porn movies has been circulated in Indonesia.

Tera Patrick scheduled to Jakarta to promote her movies called 'Rintihan Kuntilanak Perawan'.

More aboutTera Patrick vs FPI

Playboy Indonesia's editor will go to prison

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010

Playboy Indonesia's editor will go to prison
Erwin Arnada will be in jail soon:

The former editor-in-chief of Playboy Indonesia is ready to begin his two-year jail sentence for publishing pictures of scantily clothed women, his lawyer said Thursday.

The Supreme Court said in August that it had found Erwin Arnada guilty of violating the predominantly Muslim nation's indecency laws, overruling an earlier aquittal. He was sentenced to two years behind bars.

Though Arnada has denied wrongdoing, he will comply with the verdict while launching a final appeal, said his lawyer, Ina Rahman. The former editor planned to turn himself in to the Jakarta Penitentiary Center later Thursday.

More aboutPlayboy Indonesia's editor will go to prison

Yuni Shara Without Makeup?

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 27 September 2010

Yuni Shara Without Makeup?
Look at this! Lol!!! This pic was uploaded on Kaskus. Don't take offense, this is just a joke....
More aboutYuni Shara Without Makeup?

Happy Birthday Ariel!!!!

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 17 September 2010

Happy Birthday Ariel!!!!
Wanted to give a quick shout out to Ariel, whose birthday is today.

Longevity, Ariel!! Hopefully the scandals will over soon, so you can work again, singing again ... and also can be launching a new album, with a new name ... We've tired of watching other vocalists who copy your style... (Why, they can not create their own style, eh?)

Happy Birthday!
More aboutHappy Birthday Ariel!!!!

Music Video: Efek Rumah Kaca - Kenakalan Remaja di Era Informatika

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 16 September 2010

Efek Rumah Kaca - Kenakalan Remaja di Era Informatika is the first single from second album "Kamar Gelap" labels Aksara Records.
More aboutMusic Video: Efek Rumah Kaca - Kenakalan Remaja di Era Informatika

Titi Sjuman is a Hot MILF

Diposting oleh Unknown

Titi Sjuman is Hot MILF
After his appearance at the "Indonesia Mencari Bakat", Titi Sjuman now very famous. Her beautiful face and her sexy gesture have stolen the attention of the audience. Yes ... true ... Titi Sjuman is a Hot MILF!

Titi Sjuman is Hot MILF[Images via TwitPic]
More aboutTiti Sjuman is a Hot MILF

Sandra Dewi in Tokyo Disneyland

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 14 September 2010

Sandra Dewi in Tokyo Disneyland
Sandra Dewi in Tokyo Disneyland
Sandra Dewi is enjoying her vacation in Tokyo, she also visited Disneyland. Great!!!!

According to Sankei News via examiner.com, Tokyo Disneyland opened in April of 1983, and passed the 100-millionth guest marker eight years later, in May of 1991. The park saw its 200-millionth visitor in July, 1997. Tokyo Disney Sea opened in August of 2001, increasing the rate of entrance. The 300-millionth person arrived in November of 2002, and the 400-millionth in November of 2006. At the current pace, the park will surpass 600 million guests sometime in 2014.

Sandra Dewi in Tokyo Disneyland
Sandra Dewi in Tokyo Disneyland
More aboutSandra Dewi in Tokyo Disneyland

Louisa Kusnandar is so cute!!

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 06 September 2010

Louisa Kusnandar is so cute!!
Louisa Kusnandar is so cute!!
Louisa Kusnandar is so cute!!
Louisa Kusnandar is so cute!!
This girl looks more like Korean star than a TV anchor. Her name is Louisa Kusnandar, one of Liputan6 presenters. She like diving and eat anything... even bats! Yaks!!!! Believe me, you can see it on her twitter or facebook.
More aboutLouisa Kusnandar is so cute!!

Happy mudik, everyone!!!

Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 05 September 2010

Happy mudik, everyone!!![image: www.behance.net]

From HubPages:

The very first question you may come up with : what is Going Mudik ?, this is an activity which has been traditionally done by million of Indonesians to go to their home towns to celebrate Eid al Fitr .

All moslems around the world have completed a fasting month, one month for moslems to purify their soul by refocusing on God. In that holly month they refrained not only from food and drink from dusk until dawn, but also kept all parts of their body and soul from doing evil actions, thoughts and words. After the purification has been achieved successfully then comes Eid al-Fitr, the happiest moments to celebrate the day of victory after the fasting month.

Every country has its special way in celebrating Eid al Fitr, In Indonesia celebrating Eid al Fitr means get together with whole family and relatives no matter how long the distance and time they have to take. The two-day-Eid al Fitr-celebration in Indonesia which was preceded by the travelling of millions of people from big cities, especially who lived in Jakarta and its surrounding areas to their hometowns, has created one of the biggest exoduses annually happens in the world. It is predicted to be the second largest after Haj Pilgrimage in Mecca....
More aboutHappy mudik, everyone!!!

Koprol is cool!!

Diposting oleh Unknown

Koprol is cool!!
What is Koprol? Koprol is a social networking made by Indonesian (I proud of them!!!). It's based on the location designated for the city, told the location of fellow users somersault and fellow users who are connecting the same place. So you can "check-in" and trade comments, share photos and reviews, with your friends and other people nearby.

Since 25 May 2010 called Yahoo! Koprol, because Yahoo has acquired a somersault with a value that is not mentioned.

Koprol is designed for people in Asian cities. It has a well-moderated database of places. It works on any phone browser and doesn't require GPS.

So, feel free to sign up!!!
More aboutKoprol is cool!!

Soraya Hilmy - Better to lose a lover than to love a loser

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 04 September 2010

Soraya hilmy
Soraya Hilmy says: "It's better to lose a lover than to love a loser". One of the common reasons people stay in an unhealthy relationship is if they love him/her too much... But sometime it is important that you think things through with your head instead of your heart. Forget about him/her and try to find somebody else... (But this "bule" is not cool...)
More aboutSoraya Hilmy - Better to lose a lover than to love a loser

Movie Trailer: Sang Pencerah

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 03 September 2010

Sang Pencerah had told the story of KH Ahmad Dahlan, but behind it all the film tells about the struggle. In it contains about the spirit of youth, the patriotism of young people in representing their thoughts.

More aboutMovie Trailer: Sang Pencerah

Andi Soraya Joins Jennifer Dunn in Jail

Diposting oleh Unknown

Andi Soraya finally joined Jennifer Dunn in prison, after several passes of the same case (persecution). Andi Soraya seems to have learned from experience, that not all problems can be solved by violence.

Andi Soraya Joins Jennifer Dunn in Jail
More aboutAndi Soraya Joins Jennifer Dunn in Jail

Adelia and Pasha Ungu - Photos

Diposting oleh Unknown on Rabu, 01 September 2010

What a joy to be a superstar, you can get everything you want. Houses, Cars, Money and ... girls of course ... Pasha Ungu recently showing off his new girlfriend, prettier and younger than Oki of course ... Congrats, yeah !!!!!

Adelia - Pasha Ungu
Adelia - Pasha Ungu
Adelia - Pasha Ungu
Adelia - Pasha Ungu
Adelia - Pasha Ungu
Adelia - Pasha Ungu[Images by Kapanlagi.com]
More aboutAdelia and Pasha Ungu - Photos

Who is Tony Blank?

Diposting oleh Unknown on Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Tony Blank is new superstar, at least on YouTube and Kaskus. Is he sick? Nuts? Crazy? Not literally, I guess...! But this guy is great actor!!
More aboutWho is Tony Blank?

Bank Soal Matematika Program Bahasa Untuk Persiapan UN 2011

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 19 Agustus 2010

Ini adalah seri terakhir posting mengenai bank soal Matematika SMA. Bank Soal Program IPA dan IPS sudah saya posting, kini giliran bank soal Matematika Program Bahasa untuk persipan UN 2011
Untuk mendapatkan pembahasannya silakan kunjungi WEBSITE INII
More aboutBank Soal Matematika Program Bahasa Untuk Persiapan UN 2011

Bank Soal Matematika Program IPS SMA/MA Untuk Persiapan UN 2011

Diposting oleh Unknown on Selasa, 17 Agustus 2010

Beberapa hari yang lalu sudah saya posting tentang bank soal Matematika Program IPA  SMA/MA untuk persiapan UN 2011. Berikut ini saya posting tentang bank soal Matematika Program IPS untuk persiapan UN 2011. Seperti bank soal Matematika Program IPA, bank soal Matematika  program IPS ini juga dilengkapi dengan kunci tanpa PEMBAHASAN. Bila Anda ingi mendaptkan pembahasan Anda dapat mengunjungi WEBSITE INI.

More aboutBank Soal Matematika Program IPS SMA/MA Untuk Persiapan UN 2011

Bank Soal Matematika Program IPA SMA/MA Untuk Persiapan UN 2011

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 16 Agustus 2010

Ujian Nasional (UN) 2011  memang masih jauh. Namun persiapan lebih dini tentu akan lebih baik. Untuk itu berikut ini akan saya berikan kumpulan soal (bank soal) lengkap yang materinya dari kelas X sampai dengan kelas XII. Bila Anda dapat menyelesaikan semua soal yang ada dalam bank soal ini Insya Allah nilai matematika Anda pada UN 2011 akan baik. Bank soal ini sudah dikelompokkan per materi, sehingga belajar Anda akan lebih fokus dan terarah. Misal Anda akan melatih kemampuan Anda tentang Pangkat, Akar dan Logaritma maka Anda tinggal Bab I tentang materi di atas. Untuk posting kali ini Anda akan saya berikan bank soal Matematika Program IPA SMA/MA. Untuk program yang lain menyusul. Perlu Anda ketahui bahwa bank soal ini sudah lengkap dengan kuncinya, tapi bukan pembahasnnya. Bila Anda ingin mendapatkan PEMBAHASANNYA maka Anda dapat memperolehnya di TAUTAN INI . OK selamat berlatih!

  1. Sistem Persamaan Linear

More aboutBank Soal Matematika Program IPA SMA/MA Untuk Persiapan UN 2011

Sinta and Jojo are not cool

Diposting oleh Unknown on Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010

Sinta and Jojo is not cool
Sinta and Jojo are not cool because they are only cute on Keong Racun video...
More aboutSinta and Jojo are not cool

Fabrizio Faniello: No I Can Do (Wali: Cari Jodoh)

Diposting oleh Unknown on Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010

Two thumbs up for Wali Band, because one of his songs became popular in Europe. The song "Cari Jodoh" remaked by Fabrizio Faniello. "No I Can Do" reportedly had perched on the top of European charts.

Manfred Holtz, the producer said this song gets a good response in Europe and now the headline in the mass media of Europe, especially Germany, Switzerland, and Malta.

Fabrizio Faniello is a Maltese descent singer living in Germany. This song will be promoted in the American market, especially South America.
More aboutFabrizio Faniello: No I Can Do (Wali: Cari Jodoh)

Video: Putri Penelope : Keong Racun

Diposting oleh Unknown on Senin, 02 Agustus 2010

Video: Putri Penelope : Keong Racun
More aboutVideo: Putri Penelope : Keong Racun

Putri Penelope is Keong Racun

Diposting oleh Unknown on Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010

Putri Penelope is Keong Racun
Thanks to Sinta and Jojo who make Keong Racun more famous...!!!! And of course thanks to Keoang Racun and YouTube that also make them both famous as new internet superstar!!! They are now everywhere... This week, they both interviewed and featured by almost all local TVs. Oh My God!!! Lucky girls!!!!

And now, Keoang Racun excusively bought by Charly ST12 and given to -a sexy, naughty and bitchy new comer- PUTRI PENELOPE!!!

[Image courtesy of Kapanlagi.com]
More aboutPutri Penelope is Keong Racun

Video Sinta & Jojo Keong Racun

Diposting oleh Unknown on Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

Wow!!! Sinta & Jojo is superstar right now!!! Thanks to YouTube and song titled Keong Racun that make they both known!!

More aboutVideo Sinta & Jojo Keong Racun

Video Fatma Trans TV

Diposting oleh Unknown on Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

Video mesum Fatma Trans TV
Hah! Another celebrity sex tape? Is this real? Or just a work done by an idiot? I don't know....

Following sex tape of Ariel, Luna & Tari, now circulated a sex tape named Fatma Trans TV...

From Jakarta Globe

"... broadcaster Trans TV has lodged a criminal complaint with police over another graphic Internet sex clip, titled “Fatma-Transtv.”

Station spokesman Hadiansyah Lubis said that though they had an employee named Fatma, she was not the person in the clip and had not disseminated it.

He said the station was filing a defamation complaint because it believed the video could hurt Trans TV’s image.

“We don’t know what the motive was for naming the video Fatma-Transtv,” he said. “Our own investigation shows the video was taken from a porn site and the title changed to ‘Fatma-Transtv."
More aboutVideo Fatma Trans TV

Cut Tari Tears...

Diposting oleh Unknown on Sabtu, 10 Juli 2010

Cut Tari Tears...
Cut Tari Tears...
Cut Tari Tears...
Cut Tari Tears...
Cut Tari Tears...
Cut Tari tearfully apologized in the office of lawyer Hotman Paris. Accompanied by her husband, Joseph Soebrata, Cut Tari explaining about the case of porn video that dragged his name.

Why now? Why no tears previously?? Good strategy arranged by Hotman Paris, like he done to Maria Eva & Yahya Zaini's scandal.

More aboutCut Tari Tears...
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